Jersey Brain Tumour Charity

How Your Money Is Used

From every penny to every pound, being a non-for-profit organisation with no state or government funding, it really does matter to be able to provide the services we provide.

Our services are highly tailored to the needs of our patients to ensure we provide high quality, consistent support during times of uncertainty.


These are our key “projects” which are vital to those we support all year round and which we fundraise to provide for anyone affected with a brain tumour diagnosis:


  • Our monthly ‘brainy buddies’ support group is usually advertised through our Facebook Page. The meetings are designed to extend the reach of the current emotional 1-1 support offered; and helps to promote empowerment and independence through facilitating shared experiences and peer support for patients, families and friends. It is friendly, informal and inclusive and to invite key speakers from other agencies. Anyone who has been touched by a brain tumour diagnosis is more than welcome to attend at St Paul’s Centre, 10.30am – 12.30 meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month. Please feel free to drop in.
  • Specialist face-to-face emotional and practical support ensures our patients’ needs are met and enables us to sign-post to other agencies if necessary.

2025 Swimarathon

Great news to start 2025!! We are a Swimarathon beneficiary. As a small charity, we are massively overwhelmed! This opportunity means so much for us, and it will allow us

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